e-Learning, LMS, Authoring Tools, eCourses on the PeakSkills e-Learning Platform
One of our clients came up with a fantastic e-Learning blended solution. The solution resulted in 97% of all learners completing all their e-learning? eCourse modules.
What the client did was start each eCourse with a webinar. The webinar set the goals for the eCourse module and gave the overview. Participants got clear on what they were to learn and how they would apply the learnings.
Learners then had two weeks to complete their e-Learning eCourses, developed using the PeakSkills authoring tools and deployed through the PeakSkills LMS. Their eCourse progress was totally self-paced. Participants were instructed to print their action plans and journal entries, included as part of each e-Learning eCourse.
After the two weeks were up, the learners met online at a second webinar. They discussed their action plans and journal entries, and submitted them to their instructor, to be used as part of their performance reviews. Then on to prepare for the next eCourse module.
This highly successful blended e-Learning solution is being used successfully in Fortune 500 companies with middle managers. It can easily be applied to most e-learning situations.
The PeakSkills e-Learning Development Platform is an e-Learning Development application and LMS that allows the e-Learning Developer to easily incorporate the above factors into e-Learning eCourses.
If you would like to learn more about our e-Learning Development Platform, including our LMS, authoring tools, and eCourses,?as well as our e-Learning Certification course, please contact me, Diane Kramer, Ph.D., at dkramer@peakskillslearning.com or 631-630-0570.
Warmly, Diane
Dr. Diane Kramer
PeakSkills Learning Systems, Inc.
Huntington, NY
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