PeakSkills eLearning Learner Tutorial
The Learner Area gives the Learner a full set of resources for learning course materials and then applying the learned materials.
On the Home page, Instructors view the list of courses assigned to them, their latest course email and the latest scheduled events for their courses.
Home Page
- Click a course listed in Courses to begin or return to a course already begun.
- You will be taken to the course status page for your course where you can check objectives, assessments, assignments, schedule and course syllabus.
- Click ?Launch Course? to begin your course. Navigate either by the left menu or the Forward and Back buttons.
- Read your newest emails. Click ?More Messages? for additional messages.
- Read Upcoming Schedule to review the next few learning events scheduled for each course. (Click each course link in Upcoming Schedule area to see the full schedule for each course.)
Course Catalog
- Click Course Catalog on the left menu.
- Each course is listed in the left column. Click its link to view course details specific to each section.
- In the Status column, view the status of your course
- Enroll Now ? click to enroll in a course
- Completed ? indicates a completed course; results are stored in results section
- Enrolled ? indicates you have previously enrolled in the course, or an administrator has enrolled you in the course
- Awaiting approval ? indicates you are enrolled in the course, but your enrollment needs authorization from an administrator
- The Course Length column shows the length of the course.
- The Certificate column indicates whether the course is a certificate course.
- In the Pts. Column, there will be appropriate points if your administrator has assigned points to each course for record keeping.
- In the $ column, the cost of the course will be listed if your administrator tracks training costs in that way.
View Learner Plan
- Click View Learner Plan on the left menu.
- Each course you have enrolled in is listed in the left column. Click course link to read the details of the course.
- The course section is listed in the Section column.
- Status is listed in the third column. Status includes:
- Awaiting approval
- Awaiting scheduling
- In Progress
- The Date Started column lists that data in column 4.
- In the Course Length/Sessions column, you will view the relevant information.
- In the Pts. Column, there will be appropriate points if your administrator has assigned points to each course for record keeping.
- In the $ column, the cost of the course will be listed if your administrator tracks training costs in that way.
View Results
- Click View Results on the left menu.
- Each course you have enrolled in is listed in the left column. Click course link to read the details of the course.
- The course section is listed in the Section column.
- Status is listed in the third column. Status includes:
- In Progress
- Completed
- The Date Started column and Date Completed column lists that data.
- In the Date Retest column, there is a listing of a Retest if that is necessary. The Retest course will show up in your Learner Plan at the appropriate date.
- The Time column lists time-on-task.
- Average % Correct Column lists your post-assessment score for the test.
- The Business Results section lists any evaluations of business results tied to performance improvement.
Learner Info
- Click Learner Info on the left menu.
- Review your profile.
- If the profile needs editing, click ?Edit Profile?.
- Edit the profile and then submit changes by clicking on that button.
- Click Bookmarks on the left menu.
- You will see a list of pages you have previously saved. Click a page to access the information that you are interested in reviewing
- Click Email on the left menu.
- You will see a list of emails that have been sent to you.
- Click any message to read and respond.
- Click in a box to the left of a message and then click the delete button to erase.
- Click ?Compose Message? and then select recipients to send the message to your selection.
- Click either ?Send? button to send your message.
Course Status
- Click a course link on the Home Page and in the status column of View Learner Plan to access Course Status page.
- View last login and total login time
- Schedule of classes and other learning events.
- Assignments with due dates
- Assessment scores
- Click Launch Course to begin the self-paced course or to access chat, discussion, reference areas.
Course Player/View Course
- Use the left menu to navigate through the course. Click a lesson. If there are additional pages to the lesson, click the pages. You will need to do the pages in specific order, or your own order, depending how the course developer has set up the course. You can also navigate using the Forward and Back buttons.
- At the top you will see your course resource bar.
- Click Menu to return to your home page.
- Click Action Plan to work with your course Action Plan.
- Click References to access references for the course.
- Click Chat to enter into chat with Instructor and/or other Learners.
- Click Discussion to enter a discussion forum with other course members or with specific Learning Group members.
- Click Journal to begin entries to your course Journal.
- Click Email to send email internally to Instructor or other Learners.
- Click Help for full tutorial.
- If your Course Menu lists pre and post-assessments, you must take them. Your scores will be listed in the View Results section of the course, accessed through the Learner Home Page.
- Many of your courses require your input. Please fill out all forms and submit when asked.
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