PeakSkills eLearning Administrative Tutorial

Section 1  – Overview

1.1       Overview

The Administration Area allows management of both learning and performance functions. There are eight sections: Course, User, Enrollment, Company, Email, Reports and Search for Student.
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  • In the Course Section, add, edit or delete course information; associate competencies and skills with courses; set up sections for each course and schedule each section. In addition, add/edit/delete curriculum which are collections of courses.
  • In the User Section, add users and assign roles as Administrator, Author, Instructor, Learner. Associate users with Teams, Positions and Departments. Also, in this area, add Teams and Team Members.
  • In the Enrollment Section, enroll learners and teams in courses and curriculum, and then schedule them for specific course sections.
  • In the Company Section, enter departments, job positions and competencies and skills. Then associate them with each other for performance tracking.
  • In the Email section, email back and forth within the PeakSkills eLearning Platform.
  • In the Reports section, generate reports on learners and on courses.
  • In the Search for Student section, find all learner info within the

Section 2  – Adding/Editing a Course/Curriculum Listing

2.1        Accessing the Course Area

  • Click Course link on the left menu.

2.2       Adding  a Course Listing

  • Click Create a New Course under Course List.
  • In Create a New Course, fill in form (only course name is mandatory):
    • Course title (keep the name short to avoid wrapping in the learner menu area)
    • Administrator for the course
    • One or more Authors
    • Category (for the Course Catalogue)
    • Topic
    • Keywords
    • Description of the Course
    • *Short Description of the Course ? critical information for the Course Catalog
    • Course Length
    • Cost (if you are tracking training budgets per learner)
    • Requires Authorization
      • Click ?yes? if the course administrator needs to approve a learner for enrollment in a particular section; in this case, when a Learner signs up for a course in the Learner catalog, permission will be granted or denied by the administrator.
      • Click ?no? if you want learners to sign up in the Learner Catalog and be admitted automatically to the course until the course is filled.
      • Note: you will be able to enroll Learners directly into courses by clicking the Enrollment link in the left menu.
      • Certificate Listing
        • Click ?yes? if this is a course that requires certification.
        • Author Instructions
          • These instructions will be sent to the author area. They should include the type of course or course combination ? self-paced, self-paced with specific dates, instructor-led online, classroom/online.
        • Course Objectives ? this information shows up in Course Catalog of Learner.
        • Prerequisites ? this information shows up in Course Catalog of Learner.
  • Click Continue to Next Step to assign competencies and skills to the course (optional).* Note: Add competencies and skills in the Company section.
  • Click Continue to Next Step and create a section for your course (Note: in PeakSkills, every course must have at least one section name. You can use any name or you can assign a number to the section. It is your choice)
  • Choose an instructor for your course; the default is ?no instructor? (for a purely self-paced online course.)
  • *Optional ? Maximum Occ: Choose the number of people in your course section
  • Choose level of price discount for course section.
  • Choose to display cost or not in online Course Catalog.
  • Choose Section Type ? Choices include:
    • Self-paced – no time frame
    • Self-paced ? with beginning and end dates
    • Instructor-led course ? all online (can be part self-paced)
    • Instructor-led course ? online and classroom (can be part self-paced)
  • For courses with a time frame, click add new class date and fill in start time, end date and any in between dates for class meetings.
  • When finished scheduling, click ?Finish? and return to the main course page.

2.3       Editing a Course Listing

  • When you want to edit course
    information, click the course name in the main course page. Then choose any of
    the links at the top of the form and edit the listing.

2.4       Deleting a Course Listing

  • Click the delete button to the
    left of the course listing on the course page and then verify that you want to
    delete your course. All data associated with the course will be deleted. Any
    library items (images, videos, reports, etc.) associated with the course will not
    be deleted.

2.5       Organizing a Curriculum

  • In the Course page, click Curriculum List.
  • Click Create a new curriculum, name it, and select courses to add to the curriculum. Once your curriculum is established, you will be able to enroll learners in the entire curriculum at once.
  • To edit the curriculum, click on its name and edit. Click ?Submit Changes? to save.

Section 3  – Adding/Editing Users

3.1       Accessing the User Area

  • Click User link on the left menu.

3.2       FYI: User Area

  • In this area, you will assign one or more roles to each user ? Learner, Course Developer, Instructor, Administrator.
    You can also assign users to a position(s) in the company and a department(s).
  • Also in this section, you can develop a team list of individuals for purposes of assigning curricula or courses to a whole group who are not necessarily within the same department.

3.3       Adding/Editing/Deleting Users

  • Click User List under heading ?User Administration?.
  • Click Add New User to add a User to the System. Fill in the User Profile and then choose Roles (Learner, Course Developer, Instructor, Administrator) for the User. Also choose Teams, Job Positions and Departments. (*Note: At the minimum for each person, you must fill in first name, last name, username and
    password, and email.)
  • Click Submit Changes button. The User will have been added to the list of Users.
  • Click e to edit the User listing.
  • Click d to delete the User listing.

3.4       Adding/Editing/Deleting a Team and Its Members

  • Click Team List under heading ?User Administration?.
  • Click Add New Team to add a Team and its Members. Fill in the form in Step 1, and then in Step 2 add Team Members one at a time to the Team. Click Add User to Team until all Team
    Members have been added.
  • Click Submit Changes button. The Team will have been added to the list of Teams.
  • Click e to edit the Team listing.
  • Click d to delete the Team listing.

Section 4  – Enrolling Learners in Courses and Curriculum

4.1       Accessing the Enrollment Area

  • Click Enrollment link on the left menu.

4.2       FYI: Enrollment

  • In this section, you will enroll Learners in courses and curriculum and then schedule them for specific
    sections, even if there is only one section per course.
  • In addition, you will authorize enrollments for Learners who have signed up for courses and need your permission to enroll.
  • For enrollment, click the Enrollment link under Learner Administration.
  • For scheduling already enrolledLearners, click the Scheduling link.

4.3       Authorizing Learners to Enroll in a Course

  • Click Select or Deny, depending on your intention. The information will show up in the Learner?s Course Catalog.
  • Then click the Scheduling link to schedule Learners to a course section once you have authorized them to enroll in a course.

4.4       Enrolling Learners and/or Teams in a Course and/or Curriculum

  • Select Learner(s) by clicking on the box to the left of a name.
  • Select Team(by) by clicking on  the box to the left of the Team name.
  • Select the Courses you want to enroll the selected Learners in.
  • Select the Curriculum you want to enroll the Learners in.
  • Click Enroll. The information will be passed to the Scheduling area for Scheduling those Learners and/or Teams in specific Course Sections, even if there is only one section for the course.

4.5       Scheduling Learners and/or Teams

  • Select Section for each Course/Learner from the dropdown menu.
  • Click Submit Selected Schedules.
  • The information will show up on the Learner?s Home Page, Learner Plan and Course Catalog.
  • (*Important: If the message reads that there are currently no sections defined for this course, go to the Course link on the left menu and then click the Course name. Next, click Sections to set up a section for the Course.)

Section 5  – Adding/Editing Company Information

5.1       Accessing the Company Area

  • Click Company link on the left menu.

5.2       FYI: Company

  • In this section, you will add and associate departments, job position profiles, competencies and skills. *Start at the far
    right and add skills first as you will be asked to associate skills and competencies with job positions, and job positions with departments.

5.3       Adding/Editing/Deleting Skills

  • Click Skill link under heading ?Company Administration?.
  • Click Add new skill to add a Skill and its description. Fill in the form.
  • Click Submit Changes button. The Skill will have been added to the list of Skills.
  • Click e to edit the Skill listing.
  • Click d to delete the Skill listing.

5.4       Adding/Editing/Deleting Competencies

  • Click Competency link under heading ?Company Administration?.
  • Click Add new competency to add a Competency and its description. Fill in the form and select the skills associated with that Competency.
  • Click Submit Changes button. The Competency will have been added to the list of Competencies.
  • Click e to edit the Competency listing.
  • Click d to delete the Competency listing

5.5       Adding/Editing/Deleting Job Positions

  • Click Positions link under heading ‘Company Administration?.
  • Click Add new position to add a job positions profile. Fill in the form and select competencies and skills necessary for that job position.
  • Click Submit Changes button. The Job Position will have been added to the list of Positions.
  • Click e to edit the Job Position listing.
  • Click d to delete the Job Position listing.

5.6       Adding/Editing/Deleting Departments

  • Click Department link under heading ?Company Administration?.
  • Click Add new department to add a department. Fill in the form and select job positions the department is associated with.
  • Click Submit Changes button. The Department will have been added to the list of Departments.
  • Click e to edit the Department listing.
  • Click d to delete the Department listing.

Section 6  – Email Function

6.1       Accessing the Email Area

  • Click Email link on the left menu.

6.2       FYI: Email

  • In this section, you can send email to
    anyone in your Portal area of the PeakSkills eLearning Platform.

6.3       Sending/Deleting Email

  • Click ?Compose Message? button to send a message.
  • Click in a checkbox and then click ?Delete Selected? to remove emails.
  • Click on subject listing to read email.

Section 7  – Reports

7.1       Accessing the Reports Area

  • Click Reports link on the left menu.

7.2       FYI: Reports

  • In this section, you will view course reports and learner reports. The group of reports at the top of the Reports page is reserved for special reports. There you will find a report on people who have signed up for specific free demos.

7.3       Viewing Course Reports

  • Click relevant course and you will see separate listings for each course section. Listings include:
    • Names
    • Date started
    • Date completed
    • Time on task
    • Type
    • Mode
    • Status
    • Course length
    • Post-assessment scores
  • Click on learner name to access learner course history.

7.4       Viewing Learner Reports

  • Click relevant learner name and you will see entire history of learner courses and results. Listings include:
    • Course Names
    • Date started
    • Date completed
    • Time on task
    • Type
    • Mode
    • Status
    • Course length
    • Post-assessment scores
  • Click on course name to access course information.

Section 8  – Search for Students

8.1       Accessing ?Search for Student? Area

  • Click Search for Student link on the left menu.
  • Put in student name to access learner records.

Section 9  – Setting Up Free Pre-sales Learning Demos

9.1       Accessing ?Setting Up Free Pre-sales
Learning Demos?

  • Click Company link on the left menu.

9.2       FYI: ?Setting Up Free Pre-sales Learning Demos?

  • The ?Free Pre-sales Learning Demos? function allows you to offer visitors a set of free learning demos off of your website. You will be able to collect registration information from each visitor who selects a learning demo.

9.3       ?Setting Up Free Pre-sales Learning Demos?

  • Copy the Free Demo URL to a link on your website. When someone clicks that link, they will access the Free Demos page.
    Once they select their demos, they will go to a self-registration page and then they will be returned to the free demos page to launch and view their demos.
  • In the Free Demo Introduction Form, write about your free demo offering. This paragraph will be displayed on your Free Demos page.
  • Click ?Update? to save your Free Demo Introduction. It will show up on the Free Demos page.

Section 10  – Setting Up Self-Registration

10.1     Accessing ?Setting Up Self-Registration?

  • Click Company link on the left menu.

10.2     FYI: Setting Up Self-Registration

  • The Self-Registration function allows you to offer learners a catalog and self-registration function off your website so that you do not have to enter them into the user area yourself.

10.3     Setting Up Self-Registration

  • Copy the Self-Registration URL to a link on your website. When someone clicks that link, they will access the Learner Course Catalog. Once they select their courses, they will go to a self-registration page and then they will be returned to their own learner home page within your PeakSkills Portal. There, they can access the courses they enrolled in.
  • Add an Introductory Paragraph you want on your Course Catalog page in the Catalog Introduction form.
  • Click ?Update? to save your Catalog Introduction. It will show up on the Learner Course Catalog.